Services During Pandemic in 2021
Note added on 23rd June:
As the country is gradually emerging from the pandemic and its associated restrictions on our lives, we are happy to be able to welcome parishioners back to Mass and we trust that we can proceed safely over the coming months. We know that, while the vaccination programme here has brought much improvement in the situation, it is not so in other countries and we must still be very careful with social gatherings so as to avoid a resurgence of the coronavirus and its variants.
We are leaving these pages in place for the time being as some of the information may still be relevant, especially to those who remain housebound.
Posted 24th February 2021:
Since the situation with Covid-19 is still very serious, the restrictions imposed by government after Christmas have been continued in the interest of public health. We cannot have a congregation at Mass until Easter, at least. Attendance at Weddings and at Funerals is severely limited.
Mass is streamed live on the webcam which may be accessed from the homepage of the parish website. We hope that remote participation will be a worthwhile alternative for parishioners and others who find us there.
The Church is open for personal visits and for private prayer from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. each day, Monday to Saturday. Please use the door by the Sacristy, use the hand sanitiser provided, wear a face covering, and observe the recommended social distance from other parishioners.
We regret that, since we must restrict our interactions with each other in these circumstances, we are unable to resume the service of bringing Holy Communion to our housebound parishioners. If you have family members, friends and neighbours, who are in this situation, please check that they are aware of our parish website and able to connect with our webcam.
God Bless and Stay Safe in these difficult times.