Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Ennis Road, Limerick
Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Diocese of Limerick
A Thought

Never regret a day in your life:

Good days bring happiness

Bad days give experience

Worse days give lessons

And best days give memories

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Upcoming Events

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Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish

Céad míle fáilte to our parish website! We want to make parish website an interesting and worthwhile location for both parishioners and visitors to keep up to date with what’s happening in our parish. We hope that all parish and community groups will see it as a useful resource for getting information out to people. We welcome your feedback!

Mass Times

Our Lady of the Rosary

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Mass Times

Sunday: 10.00am, 11.30am
Monday – Friday: 10.00am
Saturday Vigil: 6.00pm
Saturday There is no morning Mass.
Holy Day: 10.00am, 11.30 and 6pm (the evening before)

  • During November and Lent – Daily Mass: 10.00am Mon-Fri
  • St Camillus Hospital 10.15am Sun
  • Adoration after 10.00am Mass to 5.30pm on First Fridays and on Mondays at 6.15pm-7.15pm
  • Baptisms: Sundays 12.15 and Saturdays 5.00pm

Pastoral Unit

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Our Lady of the Rosary Parish is under Pastoral Unit 5 which includes the following churches:
Christ the King
Cratloe /Six Mile Bridge
Our Lady of the Rosary

Mass Times

Christ the King
Saturday 6.30pm
Sunday 10.30 am and 12.00 noon
Mon to Fri-10.00am

Cratloe St Johns
Sunday 11.30
Mon,Wed,Thur, and Fri 10.00

Little Church, Six Mile Bridge
Saturday 19.30
Sunday 10.00 am

St Finnachta’s Church Six Mile Bridge
Friday 7.00pm
Saturday 7.00 pm vigil
Sunday 11.00am

Limerick City Parishes

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8.00 a.m. St. John’s, Redemptorists.
9.00 a.m. Our Lady Help of Christians, Raheen, Augustinians, Regional Hospital.
9.30 a.m. St. Brigid’s (Summertime), (June – August), Monaleen
10.00 a.m. St. Joseph’s,  Dominicans, Patrickswell, Regional Hospital, St. Paul’s.
10.30 a.m. St. John’s, St. Michael’s (Irish mass), Our Lady Help of Christians,  Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Nicholas, St. Mary’s Convent.
11.00 a.m. Raheen, Monaleen, Our Lady Queen of Peace, St. Paul’s.
11.15 a.m. Augustinians.
11.30 a.m. St. Joseph’s, St. Brigid’s, Dominicans.
12.00 noon St. John’s, Our Lady of Lourdes, Holy Family, Our Lady Help of Christians, Redemptorists, St. Munchin’s College.
12.15 p.m. St. Paul’s.
12.30 p.m. Raheen, St Michael’s (Polish mass) Monaleen, St Patrick’s
1.00 p.m. Dominicans.
4.30 p.m. St. Michael’s.
5.30 p.m. St. Joseph’s.
6.00 p.m. St Michael’s (Polish mass)
7.00 p.m. St. John’s, St. Nicholas (Sept. – June).
7.15 p.m. Redemptorists.
7.30 p.m. Our Lady Help of Christians, (except July and August), Augustinians.

Saturday Evenings And Eves Of Church Holydays

6.00 p.m. St. Michael’s,  St. Patrick’s,  Our Lady Queen of Peace, Our Lady of Lourdes (Sat./Sun.), Raheen (Sat.),
6.30 p.m. St. John’s.
7.00 p.m. St. Joseph’s,  Dominicans, Monaleen,  St. Brigid, Our Lady of Lourdes (eves of Holydays, Mon. – Fri.), St. Nicholas.
7.15 p.m. Regional Hospital, Redemptorists (eves of Holydays only).
7.30 p.m. St. Paul’s, Holy Family, Our Lady Help of Christians, Redemptorists (Saturday evenings only),  Raheen (eves of Holydays),
8.00 p.m. Ballybrown.
8.30 p.m. St Michael’s (Saturday evenings, Polish Mass Vigil)

Church Holydays

7.30 a.m. Augustinians.
8.00 a.m. Redemptorists.
8.30 a.m. Augustinians.
9.00 a.m. Raheen, Regional Hospital, St. Patrick’s.
9.30 a.m. Holy Family, Monaleen.
9.45 a.m. St. Munchin’s College, St. Brigid’s.
10.00 a.m. St.John’s, St. Michael’s, St. Joseph’s,  Our Lady Help of Christians (except St Patrick’s Day which is a Sunday Program), Redemptorists, St. Paul’s, .
10.15 a.m. Augustinians.
10.30 a.m. Our Lady of Lourdes (Mon-Fri), Dominicans.
11.00 a.m Our Lady Queen of Peace, St. Mary’s, Knockea, Raheen, Monaleen.
 a.m St. Joseph’s.
12.00 noon St. John’s, Redemptorists
12.15 p.m. St. Paul’s.
12.30 p.m. St. Patrick’s.
1.00 p.m. Dominicans, Regional Hospital.
1.05 p.m. Our Lady Help of Christians (except St Patrick’s Day which is a Sunday Program)
4.00 p.m Augustinians.
4.30 p.m. St. Michael’s.
5.45 p.m. St. Joseph’s.
6.00 p.m. St. Patrick’s.
7.00 p.m. St. Bridget’s, St. Nicholas (Vigil), St. John’s.
7.15 p.m. Redemptorists.
7.30 p.m. Our Lady Help of Christians (except St Patrick’s Day which is a Sunday Program), St. Paul’s, Dominicans, Raheen (weekdays only).

Upcoming Events

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Parish News

Production of the Weekly Newsletter will be resumed from Sunday 8th September.

We look forward to the newly designed Parish Website which will be launched soon.

Hospitality on Wednesdays after 10:00 am Mass will be available from 18th September.

Parish Council & Celebrations

As we approach the 60th anniversary of our establishment as an independent parish in the Diocese of Limerick, it is planned to mark the occasion with a number of special events around the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, which falls on 7th October 2024.

A Mass of Celebration will be held on Sunday 6th October at 11:30 am.

The Parish Council will meet on Wednesday next, 28th August, to discuss this and other matters.

See All Notices