Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Ennis Road, Limerick
Welcome to Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, Diocese of Limerick


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Parish Envelopes for 2023

2023-Jan-03:  Boxes of Envelopes for the year 2023, for parishioners who contribute to the Weekly Collection in this manner, are now available in the Church.  Please collect them from the area near the Crib.  All boxes are labelled and it would be greatly appreciated if you can safely deliver some to your neighbours.  Parishioners, who wish to join the Envelope Collection, are invited to contact one of the priests or the sacristan.

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Distribution of Envelopes

2022-Dec-19:  Due to the very bad weather conditions last week, we still have some bundles of envelopes in the Church.  If you can distribute them in the next few days, please take them from the top seat.  Individual envelopes are also available.

2022-Dec-15:  Bundles of envelopes for the Christmas Dues for Priests and Sacristan, together with details of Christmas Services, are now available in the Church.  If you are able to deliver some in your home area, please collect them

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Did you get the Newsletter?

2022-Dec-19:  Yesterday’s Newsletter is to cover next weekend also.  If you missed your copy, some are still available in the Church.  The next issue will be for Jan 01, which is New Year’s Day.

2022-Nov-21:  Parishioners have welcomed the new production of the Parish Newsletter.  It was available at all Weekend Masses.  If you missed it, you may still find copies in the Church during the week.  It is also published here on the website.

For those who are unable

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Fr. Seamus Power, R.I.P.

We regret to announce the death of Fr. Seamus Power on 15 November 2022.  In succession to Monsignor Michael Tynan, Fr. Power served as our fourth Parish Priest at Our Lady of the Rosary.  His remains will lie in repose at Our Lady of the Rosary Church on Friday from 4:00 pm until 6:00 pm.  Requiem Mass will be celebrated in our Church, his last parish before retirement, on Saturday 19 November at 11:00 am.  May he rest in peace.

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Parish Newsletter

2022-Nov-09:  We intend to resume production of the Parish Newsletter very soon.  It will be a single page, separate from the Mass Leaflet.  It will be available at Weekend Masses and you may take a copy home.

If you have ideas for material to be included or wish to advertise parish events, please leave a note in the Sacristy.  Mark it for Newsletter Editors, include your name, and, if you wish, mobile or e-mail for further contact.

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Remembering the Dead

2022-Oct-29:  Some bundles of Holy Souls Envelopes with lists for the Names of the Dead remain to be collected from the top seat in the Church for distribution in local areas.  Individual envelopes are also available so that all of our loved ones may be remembered at November Masses.  Tuesday 01 Nov. is the Feast of All Saints and Wednesday is All Souls Day.