
We are indeed blessed to have a great number of parishioners who give of their time and energy in these voluntary groups. They are vital to maintain the services and supports offered in our parish. Some groups are active within and around our Church.  Others operate in the Parish as a whole.  Some are linked with national or international groups in the Wider Community. New members are always welcome. If you are interested in establishing a group or in joining an existing group, please contact the parish office.

  • Altar Society

    You may have noticed a small group of parishioners cleaning the Church on Tuesday mornings.  This is the Altar Society.  What they do is mostly dusting, sweeping and polishing.  The floors are cleaned separately.  They could do with a few more volunteers to share the work of keeping our Church presentable.

    The current organiser is Breeda Enright.

  • Church Grounds Group

    This group meet on Wednesdays at two o’clock to look after the church grounds as necessary.

    For more information contact Pat Twomey.

    Tel: (061) 45 5426

  • Church Hearing Loop

    We have a Hearing Loop System installed in the Parish Church to enhance the quality of the spoken word from the altar, throughout the church, for parishioners who wear hearing aids.  All you have to do is switch your hearing aid to the T-coil position.

    This was installed some years ago to ensure that all parishioners would be able to hear clearly the words of the Mass, prayers, sermons and music.  Just use the T-coil setting on your hearing aid.

    No more frustration at missing much of what’s being said or only hearing a distorted version of events.  Hearing Loop is considered to be the best solution to facilitate parishioners with hearing difficulties.  Just amplifying the sound would not necessarily make it more understandable but it could make it too loud for everyone else.  With the Hearing Loop System, words and music from the altar are broadcast through the system directly to your hearing aid.  This enhances sound quality for each individual user and makes it independent of surrounding noise.

    You will also find that Hearing Loops are in place in other churches and in many public offices.  This symbol is normally used to indicate that a Loop System is installed and to remind you to switch to the T-setting.

  • Collectors

    Take up and look after the collections at weekend masses. Envelopes and information on church services are also delivered to homes four times a year.

  • Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist

    This is a voluntary group of parishioners, who assist the priest with the distribution of Holy Communion at Mass.  They are rostered for service at weekend Masses and on Holydays.  Some assist at weekday Masses.

    The word ‘extraordinary’ is used to signify that the role of these ministers in the distribution of the Eucharist to the congregation is ‘extra’ or ‘in addition’ to that of the ‘ordinary’ or ‘usual’ Minister, who is, of course, the Celebrant or Priest.

    They are sometimes called Ministers of Holy Communion.

    If you are a parishioner who would like to serve in this capacity, please make contact with us through the Sacristy or through one of our Priests.  New recruits are normally referred to the Limerick Diocesan Pastoral Centre, by the Parish Priest, for a short training course.

    In our Church, as we try to ensure an efficient and orderly distribution of Holy Communion, we find that it works best when people approach the Altar and return to their seats by a ‘one-way-system’.

    Usually, we have two Ministers at the top of each of the pillar aisles, one left and one right.  People approach by the pillar aisles and then turn left or right to go back to their seats by the side walls or by the centre aisle.

    This Ministry of Holy Communion was established in Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in 1992 and we are fortunate to have a group continuing to provide service since then.

    Currently, the Group Organiser is Gerard Enright.

  • Family Mass

    The Family Mass takes place in our Church on the 2nd Sunday of the Month at the 11.30am Mass.

    Rehearsals take place in the Church on the preceding Thursdays at 2pm. A parent collects the children from both the JFK school and the Salesian school and bring them to the Church. They return to school before 2.30pm .

    Here they run through the readings and prayers of the faithful with Fr Ryan and the parents, we try to rotate the children so that everyone gets a turn at something.

    The Youth Liturgy Group take the smaller children out to the Parish Centre during the Mass where they participate in Liturgy oriented crafts. They bring their work back to the church to show everyone after the consecration.

    Many thanks to the parents who help:Helen Boylan, Mary Richardson, Ciara Gilvarry and Mary McCarthy

    Also many thanks to the Hurley sister who enhance the Family Mass with their beautiful singing and music.

    If you would like your child to participate in the Family Mass please contact Fr Ryan


    Tel: (061) 32 9448

  • First Friday Adoration Group

    This year 42 volunteers have committed themselves to spend time during Eucharistic Adoration in the Church. Some spend an hour, other half an hour in adoration – but anyone is welcome to spend a shorter visit.

    Contact Breda Ryan 087 6598373

  • Flower Arrangers

    These ladies decorate the church with floral displays to enhance our liturgies especially on special occasions such as Advent, Christmas and Easter.

    For more information contact Anne Heenan.

    Tel: (061) 45 1627

  • Greeters Group

    Greeting Ministers welcome people at the doors of the Church before Mass on Sundays. They hand out the missalets and greet parishioners with a friendly smile.

    For more information contact Joan McSweeney.

    Tel: (061) 45 4632

  • Hospitality Group

    Come together to cater for parish functions including Wednesday morning tea/coffee after ten o’clock mass.

    For more information contact Marian Fayne.

    Tel: (061) 45 2930

  • Liturgy Group

    The Liturgy Group was established in the parish in 1996. Its main focus is to work with the priests in planning and preparing the celebration of Mass and other liturgical services. It aims to ensure the involvement of the parish community, not only in the special events associated with the major seasons of the liturgical year, but in all parish ceremonies.

    In liturgy and ritual, we gather together as one community and we are united in the expression of faith.

    We pray, we sing, we give thanks to God for our lives and for the wonders of His creation. With familiar routines, well-known words and collective practices, we share our joys and sorrows in a meaningful experience. By our involvement in a liturgical ceremony of praise and worship, we are refreshed in mind and nourished in spirit.

    In Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, we want to ensure that all of our liturgies are meaningful community events.  Whether at a weekly experience of Mass or an intimate family occasion or at one of the special ceremonies for Christmas, Easter or Feast Days, participants should be uplifted and encouraged by the collective expression of faith. It is important to us that parishioners and visitors will feel welcome in our church and included in our services.

    If you would like to join the Liturgy Group, which meets once a month in the Parish Centre, please contact Maud Ryan, who is the current Chairperson, or one of our priests.  If there’s something you would like to add to a particular ceremony or if you have a suggestion for the enhancement of our work generally, please leave a note for the Liturgy Group in the Parish Office.

  • Ministers of the Word

    This group of about 40 parishioners are readers at Sunday Masses and Feast days. They are called on once every 8 weeks.

    For more information contact Mary Kiely

    Tel: (061) 455878

  • Music and Cantors

    A variety of musicians and singers help to enhance the celebration of the Eucharist.

  • Stewards

    Stewards are required on occasions.

    For more information contact Gerry Higgins.

    Tel: (061) 45 1017

  • Bereavement Group

    This group provides support for the bereaved of the parish. They organise a tea/coffee morning on the First Friday of each month after 10am Mass, at the New Parish Centre. Masses for the bereaved and their loved ones in September and during Lent.

    For more information contact Elizabeth Mulvin.

    Tel: (061) 45 1389

  • Charismatic Prayer Group

    This group meets on Fridays at 8pm in the Salesian Secondary School with Sr. Mary Bridget.

    For more information contact Sr. Mary Bridget.

    Telephone: (061) 45 4511

  • Child Protection

    They promote awareness of and implement the parish child protection policy.

    For more information contact Anne Kennedy

    Telephone: see notice board in Church

  • Confirmation Group

    ‘You Shall Be My Witnesses’ is a 5 night Parish Confirmation Programme. It helps candidates realise that preparing for Confirmation does not just happen in school, but that it involves their parents and members of the Parish Community. This year they have 15 Parent Leaders working with the Confirmation Candidates who are divided into 8 groups.

  • Finance and Upkeep

    The budgeting and audited income and expenditure of managing the church and parish is undertaken by a committee headed by Fr. Walsh.

    For more information contact Liam O’Keefe.

    Tel: (061) 45 1126

  • First Communion Group

    ‘Do this in Memory’ is a sacramental preparation programme for First Eucharist. The schools hold a meeting for parents of 2nd class  children to inform them about the programme and to look for volunteers to be members of the Programme Planning Group. The children take part in ten Sunday masses during the year.

  • Meditation Group

    Christian Meditation is an alternative form of prayer which has been practised for centuries and which many find helpful in their daily lives and enriching of their spirituality.

    We are often distracted from prayer by inner concerns and external noises?  Do we not struggle to create an atmosphere of silence and stillness, an opportunity for quiet contemplation?   Do we give ourselves the time and the space to reflect on our Christian Faith and to be open to the Holy Spirit?

    In Our Lady of the Rosary Parish, the Meditation Group currently meets on Mondays at 1:30 p.m. in the church.  New members are always welcome.

    If you would like to join the group or simply to find out more about Christian Meditation, please contact Joan Mc Sweeney or just turn up at one of the Monday lunch-time sessions.

  • Ministers to the Housebound

    Note:  This service was suspended during Covid and is still unavailable.  We hope to be in a position to resume the ministry in the near future.

    Some of our Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist in the parish are also available to take Holy Communion to parishioners, who are unable to leave their homes for Mass in the Parish Church.

    These Ministers go out from the Church after the 10:00 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. Masses on Sundays and Holydays.  They visit members of the community, who have asked them to call because they are housebound.

    Please note that the service is provided only on request.

    If you are in this situation, whether due to a short-term illness or a longer-term infirmity and you would like to have Holy Communion brought to you, in your home, please send us word through the Sacristy or through one of our Priests.

    Don’t forget to say which time, after 10:00 Mass or after the 11:30, would suit you best.  We are generally able to ensure that all visits have taken place within an hour or so of the end of Mass.

    This Ministry to the Housebound was established in Our Lady of the Rosary Parish in 1996 and we are fortunate to have a group continuing to provide service since then.

    Currently, the Group Organiser is Gerard Enright.

  • Neighbourhood Retreat

    A retreat for lay people organised by Sr. Margo Beggan given in small groups over a six week period. Parents of Children preparing for the Sacraments are invited to attend these Retreats.

    For more information contact Sr. Margo

    Tel: (061) 41 5397

  • Newsletter

    Published weekly. Any relevant parish information can be dropped into the sacristy one week in advance.

  • Parish Pastoral Council

    The Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) is a team comprising clergy and laity, who in the spirit of partnership exercise the overall care and responsibility for the wellbeing and future development of our parish community.

    The Officers and Members of the PPC for the year 2023-24 are:

    • Fr. Des McAuliffe PP; Fr. Tom Ryan CC
    • Chairperson – Mary McEvoy
    • Vice Chairperson – Brian McCarthy
    • Secretary – Anne Kennedy
    • Elizabeth Mulvin; Bridie Burke
    • Melanie O’Shea; Sarah Phillips
    • Margaret Naughton; Fergal Deegan.



    The AGM of the Parish Council was held on 23 May and was well attended. Chairperson, Mary McEvoy, expressed her appreciation of the work and dedication of all the voluntary groups within the parish.  All groups are in need of more volunteers.  We all have talents we can share and volunteering as we know is very good for our wellbeing. She outlined the work done over the past year by the Parish Council, including meeting the First Holy Communion children and investigating the replacement of the Annunciation sculptures. She thanked all members of the Parish Council for their dedication and hard work during the past year.

    Fr. McAuliffe, in his President’s Address, spoke about the census carried out by the Diocese in all Churches. It showed that on average 500 people attend Mass in person in Our Lady of the Rosary each weekend. He said this core group keeps the Parish financed in terms of the maintenance and upkeep of the Church building and administration. He informed the meeting that the Church is to be painted over the coming months. He gave a short run down on the finances. He also thanked all those who volunteer in our Parish.

    There was wide ranging discussion which included:

    The return of the Funday which Fr. McAuliffe said could be part of our 60 year celebration in 2024; the return of the monthly Family Mass; John Paul Awards for young people; singing hymns that are known to all the congregation; registration of parishioners; handing out of Mass Booklets; holding a Parish Mission; the Schools attending Mass on a regular basis.

    Fr. McAuliffe and Mary thanked everybody for their attendance and positive contribution at the AGM. On behalf of the Parish Council and the parishioners, the Chairperson thanked Fr. McAuliffe and Fr. Ryan for their hard work and dedication to us and to our Parish.


    FROM AGM OF MAY 2022

    The Annual General Meeting of the Parish Pastoral Council took place on 10 May 2022.

    It was the first time since 2019 that the AGM could be held.  After the years of Covid, with lockdowns and restricted openings, it was a special occasion for all.  It was not easy for our priests to celebrate Mass in an empty Church but the online streaming through the parish website was much appreciated by parishioners.

    The outgoing Chairperson, Martin Duffy, welcomed everyone to the AGM and acknowledged the work done by parishioners during the pandemic.  He made special mention of services provided by Fr. McAuliffe and Fr. Ryan during the difficult times of recent years.

    Fr. Des McAuliffe, PP, also mentioned the difficulties of the last two years.  Attendance at Mass was much reduced and many older people are still afraid to return.  Also, it was difficult to meet parishioners and much of the normal pastoral service had to be suspended.

    There was some discussion of future prospects as vocations have declined and parishes find it more difficult to maintain the level of service to which we have been accustomed.  The role of the laity will have to be increased and parishes are likely to be joined together.

    The outgoing Officers and Committee were thanked for their service to the Parish.

  • Parish Radio System

    In the parish of Our Lady of the Rosary, we are particularly conscious of the fact that a number of parishioners are frequently unable to come to the church for Mass and other services.  We feel that being housebound should not deprive them of participation in the prayerful activities of the community.

    For this reason, we have a radio system in operation in the parish for the transmission and reception of Weekend Mass, Daily Mass and Recitation of the Rosary.

    The radio system is in place since 2001 and it is licensed for operation by ComReg (the statutory Commission for Communications Regulation in Ireland).  It is restricted to being a real-time, non-commercial, service and it cannot be picked up through a standard radio.

    A specific waveband has been allocated for transmissions and a special receiver is required.  If you wish to avail of the service or simply to find out more about it, you are invited to make contact with us by sending a message through the Sacristy.

    Then, either John Dolan or one of his colleagues, will be pleased to visit you and to explain what is involved in getting access to the radio system.

  • Parish Website Committee

    The parish website is presented as a means of communication between the parish and the community.  It is meant to be a readily available and easily accessed source of information for parishioners and for visitors, who wish to know about and keep in touch with all that is happening in the parish from time to time.

    As you explore the site, you will see that we have included some interesting notes on the church of Our Lady of the Rosary.  You can read about the history of our parish.  Mass times are posted from our own church and from neighbouring parishes.  Daily Mass readings and readings from the previous Sunday are available for reflection.

    There is a section on each of the sacraments.  Notices are posted about meetings and other events.  Current and archived issues of the parish newsletter are available for downloading.  There are links to other organisations and to current news items from the Catholic world in general.

    Working in conjunction with the service providers, who designed the parish website and who host it for us, the site is maintained by a small committee of web editors.  We hope that you find it interesting, informative and easy to use.  Feedback from users is always welcome.  Ideas for improvement and offers to help with this work may be left in to the sacristy for the attention of the  Parish Website Committee.


  • Pioneer Group

    This group meets from time to time with Sr. Mary Bridget.

    For more information contact Sr. Mary Bridget.

    Tel: (061) 45 4511

  • Sunflower Prayer Group

    For boys and girls from 2nd – 6th classes who live in the area. It is held every second Thursday in Bracken from 4.00 – 4.30pm.

    For more information contact Sr. Mary McInerney.

    Tel: (061) 45 5132

  • Active Retirement Group

    Our Lady of the Rosary Active Retirement Association (A.R.A.) is affiliated to Active Retirement Ireland (A.R.I.). The purpose of A.R.I. is to enable retired people to enjoy a full and active life and to advocate for them.

    Members of our A.R.A. meet on Thursday morning (Sep to May) at 10.30am in the Parish Centre. This is a social gathering which keeps members socially connected and where friendships are formed. We share information about services and entertainment, and activities which are relevant to our group.

    Members may participate in various classes eg Yoga, P.E, Dance, Aqua Aerobics, Swimming, Bridge, Art, Decoupage etc

    Classes in Computer Skills and IT have been arranged.

    During the year various social outings eg holidays, day trips, visits to places of interest are organized and guest speakers are arranged. Mid West A.R.I. also organise various social events and our members regularly participate in these activities.

    Our Lady of the Rosary A.R.A. has full membership at present. If you are interested in becoming a member of an A.R.A please contact Amy O’Looney phone 061-453736 or e-mail If there is sufficient interest another A.R.A may be set up.

  • Christian Brothers

    Brother Dormer and his colleague live near Ard Scoil Rís but work in schools outside the parish.

  • Legion of Mary

    A lay-Catholic organisation whose members are giving service to the Church on a voluntary basis. They meet weekly for prayer and organise the distribution of Catholic papers in the Church porch.

    For more information contact Alish Willis

    Tel: (061) 452464

  • Marriage Preparation

    Couples are encouraged to attend Pre-Marriage Courses given by e.g. ACCORD. Three months’ notice of Marriage is required by State and Church.

  • Samaritans

    Samaritans of Limerick is a non-profit organisation providing confidential non-judgemental support 24 hours a day for people who are experiencing depression or despair, including those which could lead to suicide.

    What ever you’ve done. Whatever life’s done to you. Call Samaritans  116 123.

    No pressure,no judgement, We’re here for you, any time

  • Society of St. Vincent de Paul

    The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a well-known charitable organisation which operates at local, national and international level.  Its volunteer members bring caring support and practical assistance to individuals and to families who are in need.

    The local conference in Our Lady of the Rosary Parish is a small group of committed volunteers who work with families in the parish and in neighbouring communities.  They offer helpful advice on available services and practical assistance with the cost of essential supplies.

    The service is provided on a strictly confidential basis.

    The local contact person is Nora Burke; telephone (061) 453 496.

    The local conference continues to rely on the generosity of parishioners, who have always been very supportive of its work.  Donations made through the Sacristy, when pandemic restrictions forced the cancellation of Church-gate collections, were greatly appreciated.

    Regular monthly collections have been resumed and the special Christmas Collection will take place, after all Masses, on the first weekend of December.

  • St. Joseph’s Young Priests Society

    A lay-Catholic society whose aims are to help seminarians financially and by prayer, also praying for an increase in vocations and for all priests. They meet monthly.

    For more information contact Margaret Bracken.

    Tel: (061) 45 2535

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