Praying the Our Father
2022-July-25: In Sunday’s Gospel reading [Luke 11: 1-13], we heard how Jesus taught his disciples to pray in the words of the ‘Our Father’. In his homily, Fr. Ryan presented the following reflection, which challenges us to consider the words we recite frequently and their relevance in everyday life.
Do not say: Father, if you do not act like a son or daughter.
Do not say: Our, if you live isolated in your own world.
Do not say: Who art in Heaven, if you think only of earthly things.
Do not say: Blessed be Your Name, if you do not honour it.
Do not say: Your Kingdom come; if you confuse it with material results.
Do not say: Your Will de done, if you do not accept it when it is painful.
Do not say: Forgive our debts, if you hold in your heart rancour towards your brother or sister.
Do not say: Free us from evil, if you do not take a position against evil.
Do not say: Amen, if you have not understood and taken seriously the words of the Our Father.